For this big day D-1+1, I invite you to say goodbye to the year with "
Rest areas - sweetness of life" the happiness of color and say hello to the new year with "Long live the bride, the New Year's bride in the afterlife!",
and at final find it again immediately by listening to your best intimate wishes, your best memories.
Selection this last day 2024 and this first day 2025 at http://Saint-Etienne.Art which has already started on the time zone, free interpretation of Artnatife at http://Gagallery.Art
For this New Year 2025, as an art present, I am introducing you to two paintings by the master Gruas.
A/ Before my death. B/ After my death.
A/ Before my death.
January 1st, 2025: "Rest areas - sweetness of life" The happiness of color. In appearance.
Acrylic on canvas 60x60cm. Late Thierry Gruas 1962-2017.

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Embryo: Human being developing in the womb of its mother, until 10 weeks of pregnancy are completed.
Fetus: Human being developing in the womb of its mother, from 10 weeks of pregnancy until birth.
The convention of pink for girls, blue for boys is definitively imposed with the rise of mass consumption: the more the clothes are gendered, the more the parents are encouraged to renew the wardrobe for each newborn. A marketing vein still relevant today.
The bride and groom float in the afterlife, no longer touch the ground. The sky is infinitely blue, orange and purple exoplanets.
The snow groom, sun on his back, snowy head, black bulging eyes, has put on a black coat and white belt.
The long black coat with a white belt and built-in hood remains the most chic (and timeless) of winter. White belt or rather an erection with a shooting ejaculation?
Isn't the snow bride, naked, cold? No, I guess she's wearing a white coat. She's holding a black bag. The bride, her face erased, is already pregnant.
Development: Rest reading area:
What is the function of a coat?
The coat evokes winter and the cold. It wraps the body snugly and protects it from freezing temperatures, wind and even rain. The coat can be worn over a jacket.
Simple and effective, the long black coat is the essential investment for the winter season.
The black coat in a dream often symbolizes protection against certain dark or hidden aspects of the personality. Dreaming of a black coat can also indicate a pessimistic state of mind or lack of enthusiasm. The color black is associated with elegance but also with difficult situations. The black coat suits the Creator fire well.
What color coat for winter?
For a winter coat, the black coat is essential in its field. This color goes well with all the others, like white. The black coat gives a chic and elegant side to your outfit and can be easily worn with a dress, skirt, jeans or pants, black if you wish.
Wearing white in winter is dirty for the bride, too risky, not suitable for the season? Exit this old-fashioned idea! She dares to wear white, even and especially on a coat, for a bright, sparkling and modern winter.crylique ,sur toile 60 x 60cm Feu Thierry Gruas 1962-2017.
These two premonitory paintings are incredible visionaries, orchestration of his suicide in Megève on December 8, 2017. Wonders still to cry.

The brilliant artist reads us between the lines: "best wishes for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity and welcome to my white world, Be joyful, go out masked to the carnival of the Snow Elves in Megève. Ah ah ah!
#HappyNewYear2025 #BonneAnnee2025 #louvremuseum #boursedecommerce #artcontemporary #tefafmaastricht2025 #saintsylvestre #artbasel #museeorsay #sothebys #thierrygruas #beaubourg #museeorsay #ContemporaryArt #nationalportraitgallerylondon #tatemodern #artnewyork #womenArtists #beauxartsmagazine #expositionparis #friezeNewYork2025 #beauxartsmagazine #expositionparis #connaissancedesarts #expositionparis #louvremuseum #artcontemporary #connaissancedesarts and so on
FR (ENG see above)
Pour ce grand jour J-1+1, je vous invite à dire au revoir à l'année avec "L'Aire de repos - douceur de vivre" et dire bonjour la nouvelle avec "Vive la mariée du Nouvel An dans l'au-delà!"
Le bonheur de la couleur et la retrouver illico presto en écoutant vos meilleurs vœux intimes, vos meilleurs souvenirs. Sélection ce dernier jour 2024 et ce premier jour 2025 à http://SaintEtienne.Art qui a déjà commencé sur le fuseau horaire, interprétation libre de l'Artnatife à la .
Pour ce Nouvel an 2025, je vous fais découvrir deux tableaux du maître Gruas. Vive la mariée, la mariée du Nouvel An!
A/ Avant ma mort. B/ Après ma mort.
A/ Avant ma mort. January 1st, 2025: Rest areas - sweetness of life. The happiness of color.
"Rest areas - sweetness of life" Acrylique sur toile 60x60cm Feu
Thierry Gruas 1962-2017.

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La convention rose pour les filles, bleu pour les garçons s'impose définitivement avec l'essor de la consommation de masse : plus les vêtements sont genrés, plus les parents sont incités à renouveler la garde-robe à chaque nouveau-né. Un filon marketing encore d'actualité.
Les mariés flottent dans l'au-delà, ne touchent plus terre. Le ciel est bleu à l'infini, exoplanètes oranges et violettes.
Le marié de neige, soleil dans le dos, tête enneigée , yeux globuleux noirs, a mis le manteau noir et ceinture blanche.
Le long manteau noir ceinturé blanc et capuche incorporée reste le plus chic (et intemporel) de l'hiver . Ceinturé blanc ou plutôt érection à l'éjaculation filante?
La mariée de neige, nue n'a-t-elle pas froid? Non, je devine qu'elle porte un manteau blanc. Elle tient un sac noir. La mariée, visage effacé est déjà enceinte.

#saintsylvester #newyear2025 #saintsylvestre #metmuseum #thebroad #contemporarygallery #NationalGallery #MAHgeneve #ARTWEEKEND #christies #berlinbiennale #nycartgallery #artinamerica #FIAC2025 #drouotonline #whitneymuseum #Hermitage #museumlover #artparisartfair #guggenheimmuseum #friezelondon #MoMa #boursedecommerce #collectionneursdart #salondesartistesfrancais #ThierryGruas #TEFAF2025 #TEFAFOnline #artgalleries #whitneymuseum and so forth
Source inspiration:
Pourquoi associe-t-on le bleu aux garçons et le rose aux filles ?
Mode: Le long manteau noir reste le plus chic (et intemporel) de l'hiver.
Style: Le manteau blanc est d’un chic absolu