samedi 8 avril 2023

"Easter Church. Mourning and great forgiveness" and "White coat - black coat"


Dimanche de Pâques 9 avril 2023 réédition du vendredi 9 avril 2021.  

Easter Sunday April 9,  reissue of  Friday April 9, 2021.
(ENG) (FR texte ci-après.) Painting is a prayer. Two acrylics on canvas in a row40x40cm (ENG) "Easter Church. Mourning and great forgiveness", then 60x60cm (FR) White coat - black coat"
Two incredible hard cores of mystery of late #ThierryGruas 1962-2017 artwork.
Cold Snow Mom put on her black coat. Love like this will not melt away. Her white face traces a heart and a V of Virgin. His right arm trembles luminescent, emits cold blue light wisps which accumulate to high edges of picture framing the great church.

Black Virgin, Holy Mother, bends down, searches for her lost child, hidden forever under the white cloak. Very pious, Mama Snow had already covered it with white clothing on the day of her baptism at the request of the priest who then explained the symbolic to the faithful of the feast.

The baptism was on an Easter day, celebrated on the Sunday following the spring full moon as the snowmother's moon head which each year commemorates the Resurrection of the snow-capped Creator. As everyone Mama Snow has applied for her being of flesh and blood, the giving of the white garment is one of the three complementary rites which complete the baptismal, after the anointing with the Holy Chrism, before the giving of the baptism. Lit candle. She remembers the Ritual of the Baptism of her Child Love (no. 141) which accompanies this gesture with the following words pronounced by the priest: “New born, you are a new creation in Christ: you have put on Christ; this white garment is a sign of it. May your parents and friends help you, by their word and their example, to keep intact the dignity of the children of God, for everlasting life. How she remembers it well and looks for the lost child still trembling knowing him forever happy under the white cloak. 

The passage from death to life by the colors white sum of all colors and gold evoke light, such his large black cloak, a sign of mourning and a total absence of light, is nevertheless lit from inside by phosphorescent green-purple-blue souls with small black eyes. Black as also the black pillars of the church irradiated with purple in the background. Black like the four luminescent candles.

The white mantle
is the color of the garments of God, "white as snow" (Daniel 7,9 Holy Bible), and of Christ transfigured (Mark 9,3; Matthew 17,2; Luke 9,29), "dazzling, so white that 'no fuller on earth can whiten like this'. "Whitewashed in the blood of the Lamb" (Revelation 7,14). The bride at the wedding of the Lamb is dressed in "linen of dazzling whiteness" (Revelation 19,7).
The white garment is "a sign of this shining and resplendent world" to which the baptized is called (Saint John Chrysostom) 6. Since then, the light, represented by the snow-white mantle, symbolizes the purity which rests on the baptized disappeared who thus receives divine life. "Those who put on the white garment, put on Christ" Saint Paul. The brilliance of this royal garment shows that neophytes have put on the new man "(Colossians 3,10; Ephesians 4,24). 
After the seven painful days and dramas of the Passion of Christ (Holy Week), the day of the Resurrection, the first day of a new week inaugurates a new time of peace and joy. A whole week that extends this Easter Monday foreshadows a peaceful and radiant eternity. These two meaningful paintings take on the Easter light of the canvas at will.In these “shining clothes”, Saint Augustine sees “as a visible word” which inscribes in their memory their “newness of life”. This garment of light also marks a requirement: to preserve "the spiritual whiteness" (Saint Cyril of Jerusalem) and "to make the light shine through works" "And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not received it. "(Saint John1 Chrysostom).
The garment of the baptized is Christ, writes Saint Paul: "You are all by faith, sons of God, in Christ Jesus. All of you who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. ” (Galatians3,27). The baptized puts on him to become a son of God, like himself. Towards the Kingdom, the white garment is the “garment of salvation” according to Isaiah61,10. Those who will walk with the Lord are “dressed in white” (Revelation 3,4). The elect in heaven "are clothed in white robes, palms in hand" (Revelation 7,9),  
Renunciation of the snow-covered old man. Before putting on the snow-white garment, it is a question of taking off yourclothes twice, not to reconnect with the angelic innocence of the baptism of the child, but to mark the acceptance of its poverty, of its infinite limits.  To take off one's clothes is to resemble Christ naked on the cross at the time of his death, stripped bare by the soldiers (Matthew 27,28). It is to find yourself naked as on the day you were born, to give up your life before. It is to give up the "old man",who wants to live without God or against God, and to sin entered into the world by him (Romans 5,12-21): "You have stripped your tunic, writes Cyril of Jerusalem, and this gesture represented the stripping of the old man." 3 who went to snow cover themselves again to protect themselves from the white coat. 


mercredi 5 avril 2023

1/ "The Twelve Apostles of Snow at the Last Supper." 2/ "LE MIROIR. Le Saint Suaire Rouge de Saint Étienne."

 1 - (ENG) Acrylic on canvas 60x60. "The Twelve Apostles of Snow at the Last Supper." Acrylique sur toile 60x60 TG. "Les douze apôtres de neige au Dernier Souper." Collection de la Blanchisserie JCM. Peintre feu Thierry Gruas. "Tous droits réservés." Collection de la Blanchisserie JCM. Painter late Thierry Gruas. "All rights reserved."  
Samedi 8 avril 2023 réédition du 12 avril 2020.  
Saturday  April 8,  reissue of  April 12, 2020.

Praise the Lord for he is good, and his love has no end. Psalm 106.1. The mountain dweller Gruas paints the Ultima Cena and is present at the last meal The Last Supper. He cries out to God to help him, to inspire him in his daily life, and to strengthen him. He has the right to his Love. The Creator must seek healing in his Art.

The thick table is red like wine. The Last Supper without the Last Supper reviewed and corrected an irruption of the finite towards infinity: alreaAy the frightening darkness of the abyss alternates dark red and black clouds. The white apostle John the Evangelist the only recognizable of the anonymous and all equal apostles has his head on the soulder of Jesus who is at the center of the table still holding his glass of white wine.

 There's nothing left on the red table; the twelve snowmen ate all the bread and the grilled lamb or the big fish and also drank all the blessed wine, except maybe Jesus who is still holding his glass white wine. Proof maybe there was only wine at the last supper.

The Last Supper is very sober and imbued with great respect. Are they drunk this last evening before the Grand Départ? You can't say red wine or white wine. Which region? The percentage of alcohol, either.
 "This is my body, this is my blood." , everyone drinks HIS words today Easter day.

Apostolic Redemption dream: The bodies are hot, outside to reach Mont d'Arbois, it's minus six degrees Celtius and you have to walk 4 hours. Jesus can go up to paradise. Who loves him follows him.
This Céne asked me about the place of the socially handicapped in our society and the place of the Fauves. By playing on our perception of normality, beauty and the sacred, the Creator confronts us with our contradictions. This Last Supper of contemporary sobriety is admirable and prescient of the great departure of the final sacrifice.

On exoplanet Instagram: #ThierryGruas #easter #easterart #paques #pâques #happyeaster  #pasqual #pascua #пасха #wielkanoc #easter2023 #eastertime  #eastersunday #easterathome 


(FR) Acrilyque sur toile 60x60 TG. "Les douze apôtres de neige au Dernier Souper."
"Louez le Seigneur, car il est bon, et son amour n'a pas de fin." Psaume 106.1. 
Le montagnArt Gruas peint l'Ultima Cena et est présent au Dernier Souper. IL  crie à Dieu de l'aider, de l'inspirer dans son quotidien, et de le fortifier.  Il a le droit à son Amour. Le Créateur doit rechercher des guérisons dans son Art. 

La table épaisse est rouge comme le vin. La Cène sans la Cène revue et corrigée une irruption du fini vers l'infini: déjà les ténèbres de l'abîme effrayants alternent nuages rouge sombre et noir.  

L'apôtre blanc Jean l'Évangéliste, le seul reconnaissable des apôtres anonymes et tous égaux, a bien sa tête sur l'épaule de Jésus. Le Seigneur est au centre de la table tenant encore son verre de vin blanc. 
 Il n'y a plus rien sur la table rouge; les douze bonhommes de neige ont tout mangé le pain et l'agneau grillé ou le gros poisson et aussi tout bu tout le vin béni, sauf peut-être Jésus qui tient encore son verre de vin blanc.  Preuve peut-être qu'il n'y avait peut être que du vin au dernier souper.

La Cène est elle très sobre et empreinte d'un grand respect. Sont-ils ivres ce dernier soir avant le Grand Départ? De vin rouge ou de vin blanc, on ne peut pas dire. De quelle région, allez savoir? Le pourcentage d'alcool, non plus.
 "Ceci est mon corps, ceci est mon sang.", tout le monde boit SES paroles aujourd'hui jour de Pâques.

Rêve apostolique de la Rédemption: "Les corps sont chauds, dehors pour atteindre le sommet Mont d'Arbois, il fait moins six degrés Celtius et il faut marcher 4 heures. Jésus peut monter au paradis. Qui l'aime le suive."

Cette Céne m'interroge sur la place des handicapés sociaux dans notre société et la place des Fauvistes. En jouant sur notre perception de la normalité, de la beauté et du sacré, le Créateur nous-me met face à nos-mes contradictions. Cette Cène de sobriété contemporaine est admirable et prémonitoire du Grand Départ sacrifice final.

Sur l'exoplanète Instagram : #ThierryGruas  #easter #easterart #paques #pâques #happyeaster  #pasqual #pascua #пасха #wielkanoc  #easter2023 #eastertime #eastersunday #easterathome 


2 - Acrylique sur toile. 60x60cm. Collection privée. Annotation personnelle: "LE MIROIR. Le Saint Suaire Rouge de Saint Étienne." IL a été daté et remonterait à l'hiver 2017-2018." Personal annotation: "THE MIRROR. The Red Holy Shroud of Saint Etienne." IT has been dated and would go back to the winter of 2017-2018."  
Collection privée de la Blanchisserie JCM. Peintre feu Thierry Gruas. "Tous droits réservés." Private collection of the Blanchisserie JCM. Painter late Thierry Gruas. "All rights reserved."
(ENG) Acrylic on canvas. 60x60. Painter: Thierry Gruas. Personal annotation: "The Mirror. The Red Holy Shroud of Saint Etienne" IT has been dated and would go back to the winter of 2017-2018. "

Fawn Gruas, inspired by God, like a belated Evangelist. Reflection is poetic as soon as we realize that poetic activity and poetic reflection are essential activities to paint with the Creator Gruas. For proof his rich library which abounds in pages of poetry of all times and relationship with Art. If Christ produced a work of art painted with his blood to imprint in the souls the passion of the Redeemer himself, Gruas painted with the colors red and white of snow the final color of death.

In depth: The pages of the Aposlolate. specify us well: Perciò sapendo io, che all'anime vostre non posso far piu pretioso dono, che offerir loro queste piaghe & sangue, […] vi propongo questa Sacra Sindone, come specchio, nel quale mentre voi rimirarete, pregaro il Signore che reed nelle membra vostre stampi queste sacrato stimmate.” 

That is why, knowing that to your soul, I cannot make a more precious gift than to offer you these wounds and this blood, ... I offer you this sacred Shroud, as a mirror; in him while you fix your gaze, I will pray to the Lord, asking him that also in your members he imprints these sacred stigmas. 

The colors of Christ red and white. The Fauvist Gruas has not failed to represent his face. Paleotto quotes the Song of Songs: “Dilectus meus candidus, & rubicundus” […], cioè, quello, che io amo è candido, & rubicondo… (My beloved is radiant and vermeil, translation The Bible of Jerusalem gives fresh and vermeil Chouraqui: My lover is transparent and red, dominating above the myriads.” 

Saint Gregory interprets the colors as follows: candidus, because he was immaculate; rubicundus, because, by his Passion, he carried the sins of others The alliance of red and white, in Greco-Roman Antiquity, is the color of beauty, and rather of the beauty of women. This alliance makes the reputation of the famous Venus of Cos, as Balbus reminds us. Stoic, according to Cicero: “this famous red spread and mixed with brilliant white.”

These colors of life, blood-red and white will soon become colors of death. Red blood and the whiteness of snow: Latin poetry knows make these colors vibrate. And on the Shroud, there are now the wounds as many images that we have to describe one by one. 

 As with the Last Supper from Cene painting this Easter morning, the Red and White Shroud of Saint Etienne are the death colors of the tragic end under the white snow shroud for late Creator Gruas too.


(FR) Acrylique sur toile. 60x60. Peintre: Thierry Gruas. Annotation personnelle: "Le Miroir. Le Saint Suaire Rouge de Saint Etienne" Il est daté et remonterait à l'hiver 2017-2018. 

Fauve Gruas, inspiré par Dieu, comme un Evangéliste tardif. La réflexion est poétique dès que l'on conçoit que l'activité poétique, la réflexion poétique sont des activités essentielles peindre chez le Créateur Gruas. Pour preuve sa riche bibliothèque qui foisonne de pages de poésies de tous les temps et rapport avec l'Art. 

Si le Christ a réalisé une œuvre d'art peinte avec son sang pour imprimer dans les âmes la passion du lui-même Rédempteur, Gruas peint avec les couleurs rouge et blanc de neige.

Approfondissement: Les pages de l’Aposlolat . nous précisent bien: "Perciò sapendo io, che all’anime vostre non posso far piu pretioso dono, che offerir loro queste piaghe & sangue, […] vi propongo questa Sacra Sindone, come specchio, nel quale mentre voi rimirarete, pregaro il Signore che anche nelle membra vostre stampi queste sacrato stimmate. "

"C’est pourquoi sachant qu’à votre âme, je ne peux faire don plus précieux que de vous offrir ces plaies et ce sang,… je vous propose ce Linceul sacré, comme miroir ; en lui tandis que vous fixez votre regard, je prierai le Seigneur, lui demandant qu’aussi en vos membres il imprime ces stigmates sacrés."

Les couleurs du Christ rouge et blanc Le peintre Gruas n'a pas échoué à représenter son visage. Paleotto cite le Cantique des cantiques : "Dilectus meus candidus, & rubicundus » […], cioè, quello, che io amo è candido, & rubicondo… (Mon bien-aimé est rayonnant et vermeil)", traduction La Bible de Jérusalem donne "frais et vermeil". Chouraqui: "Mon amant est transparent et rouge, dominant au-dessus des myriades."

Saint Grégoire interprète ainsi les couleurs: "Candidus, parce qu’il était immaculé ; rubicundus, parce que, par sa Passion, il a porté les péchés des autres."

L’alliance du rouge et du blanc, dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine, est la couleur de la beauté, et plutôt de la beauté des femmes. Cette alliance fait la réputation de la célèbre Vénus de Cos, comme le rappelle Balbus le Stoïcien, selon Cicéron: «ce fameux rouge répandu et mêlé à du blanc éclatant». 
Ces couleurs de vie, rouge-sang et blanc vont devenir bientôt, des couleurs de mort. Le sang rouge et la blancheur de neige: la poésie latine sait faire vibrer ces couleurs. 
Thierry Gruas' registration of his daily life.
L'enregistrement par Thierry Gruas de sa vie quotidienne.

"I don't know how to end where the worst is coming."
Et sur le Linceul, il y a maintenant les plaies comme autant d’images qu’il faut décrire une à une. Comme pour la Cène tableau de ce matin de Pâques, le Saint Suaire Rouge et blanc sont les couleurs de la mort de la fin tragique sous la neige sous le linceul blanc.
